An approaching cold front will leave snow at low latitudes
Original title: S'acosta un front fred que deixarà neu a cotes baixes

An approaching cold front will leave snow at low latitudes

Original title: S'acosta un front fred que deixarà neu a cotes baixes

March 2010. An unexpected snowstorm paralyses a good part of the country. The hours pass, and the snow keeps falling more and more strongly. Telephone communication is increasingly complicated, and the Savall farmhouse becomes a meeting point for diverse people. Five teenagers, their group leader and a bus driver; a young girl who is babysitting a child that she doesn’t know how to feed; some neighbours with a deceased person in the house that they can’t move; and a street prostitute who’s been frozen by the night’s cold. Little by little, they discover the secrets that each one of them hides, and the best-kept family
mysteries of Savall. The intensity of the snow and the confessions of these young people will bind their lives for ever.

Highlights An approaching cold front will leave snow at low latitudes


“A kaleidoscope of personal stories”.Pep Molist, El País

Intrigue, suspense, life, death, friendship and love in a story with multiple voices with a surprising end.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 144 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9932-590-3 | Imprint: Estrella Polar