Another Zombie Novel
Original title: Una de zombis
Patricia Martín Pinillos

Another Zombie Novel

Original title: Una de zombis

Patricia Martín Pinillos


Usually, in zombie movies people run away, panicking and screaming like crazy, and get into cars parked right in front of their houses, unlocked and with keys in the ignition. They lose crucial seconds before stepping on the gas, but if they are the main characters they manage to start the car right at the last second, as the zombie bangs on the window. But when zombies attack Barcelona, things don’t turn out quite like that...

Highlights Another Zombie Novel


A novel of action, tension, humor and few survivors.


Winner of the 2012 City of Badalona Award for Young Adult Fiction

Technical data

Publishing date: | 112 pages | ISBN: 978-84-9932-975-8 | Imprint: Estrella Polar