Wolfgang. Dad's Secret
Original title: Wolfgang. El secret del pare
Laia Aguilar
Category: Children & YA

Wolfgang. Dad's Secret

Original title: Wolfgang. El secret del pare

Laia Aguilar

Category: Children & YA

Wolfgang is 13 years old and has been living with his father for some time. Everything seems to be going well - or apparently well - until strange things start to happen at home. The fact that his Dad makes phone calls at strange hours tells him that there is someone else in his life (a woman). On the other hand, Grandma feels reluctant to accept his father and hides letters and documents that Wolfgang has never seen.

All these warnings cause Wolfgang to begin to take an interest in his father’s life (specifically for his past), about which he knows almost nothing.

Technical data

Publishing date: | 224 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2533-9 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

Other titles of the author

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  • Pluja d'estels
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  • Juno
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    14 November 2018
  • Wolfgang  (extraordinari)
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    Publishing date:
    10 May 2017