Wolfgang (extraordinary)
Original title: Wolfgang (extraordinari)
Laia Aguilar

Wolfgang (extraordinary)

Original title: Wolfgang (extraordinari)

Laia Aguilar


Wolfgang is an 11 year old boy with an IQ of 152. He likes to make lists of impossible things, snack between mealtimes, find out how to travel to Neptune and fantasize about becoming a great pianist. His great passion is playing the piano, which is how he takes refuge from his emotions. After his mother’s untimely death, he is forced to go to live with his father, who is a stranger to him, but he comes up with a plan to run away to the best music academy in the world. During the trip, how will find out who is father really is, the family secret hidden by the ‘grown-ups’ and why he is so afraid of something he has never tried to explain before... Wolfgang will continuously question the adult world in his intelligent, objective and critical way. 

Highlights Wolfgang (extraordinary)


Includes the lists made by the character, which lend a unique dimension to the story.  


A book full of values. A crossover hit.


Winner of the 2016 Carlemany Prize for the promotion of reading.

The powerful, authentic and moving first person narrative of a young boy.

Rights sold

Wydawnictwo Widnokrąg (Poland). Audiovisual rights optioned. | Film: Wolfgang | Production company: Tent Cent

Technical data

Publishing date: | 256 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2265-9 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

Other titles of the author

  • Les altres mares
    Laia Aguilar
    Publishing date:
    23 March 2022
  • Pluja d'estels
    Laia Aguilar
    Publishing date:
    5 February 2020
  • Wolfgang. El secret del pare
    Laia Aguilar
    Publishing date:
    19 June 2019
  • Juno
    Laia Aguilar
    Publishing date:
    14 November 2018