Men of Honour
Original title: Homes d'honor
Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

Men of Honour

Original title: Homes d'honor
Category: Fiction | Thriller & Noir

Will everything ever be known about Dani Santana? The former editor of the daily newspaper Crònica now directs an investigations and interviews programme for television. Escaping from one set of problems he finds a whole new set. Tuzza Talese, a temperamental Sicilian who has revealed Mafia secrets appears on his programme and changes his life. A witness of a fire at the Liceu theatre makes an uncomfortable revelation to him that is far removed from the official version of events. And as if that were not enough the indisputable hero of the country, the father of the mayor of Barcelona, has not explained everything about his exile.

Highlights Men of Honour


Investigative journalism, power, intrigue, corruption, clandestine sex and action in the new Dani Santana novel.

Investigative journalism, power, intrigue, corruption, clandestine sex and action in the new Dani Santana novel.

Rights sold

Spanish (Destino)

Option publishers

Liana Levi (France)

Technical data

Publishing date: | 320 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-261-1 | Imprint: Edicions Proa

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