The Spirit Of The Times
Original title: L'esperit del temps

The Spirit Of The Times

Original title: L'esperit del temps

A major novel that recreates the life of an Austrian scientist who put himself at the service of the Nazis and won the 1973 Nobel Prize.

The spirit of the times led an Austrian doctor to become interested in the development of Darwinist theories. The spirit of the times led him to apply studies of animal behavior to the progress of the human species. The spirit of the times made him place his research at the service of politics. The spirit of the times made him a mainstay of the theories underlying the Nazis’ deeds. The sprit of the times took him to the Eastern Front in the war against the Russians. The spirit of the times didn’t keep this Nazi scientist from winning the Nobel Prize in Medicine at the beginning of the 1970s.

Highlights The Spirit Of The Times


Winner of the Òmnium Prize for Best Novel of the Year.


A novel that reflects on the most unnerving darkness of human nature.

The Spirit of the Times is a truthful, documented portrait of the Nazi “euthanasia” program, and the intellectual community’s involvement in racial politics.

Through these “false” memoirs, the main character confesses the barbaric events of the holocaust. There are real characters too: professors, academics, doctors, the military service and other implicates.

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Destino (Spanish).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 432 pages | ISBN: 978-84-7588-775-3 | Imprint: Edicions Proa

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