Now Or Never
Original title: Ara o mai
Category: Non-Fiction

Now Or Never

Original title: Ara o mai
Category: Non-Fiction

A book of maturity, written from the serenity of knowing that failure comes and that getting past it generates a great capacity for resistance. A reflection about sports, the paths life takes you down, about following your dreams and living every choice with passion. And about facing life, whether in the brightest or the darkest moments.

World champion at ultra-trail running and a consummate athlete, Núria Picas reflects calmly on her recent successes but also on the defeats she has had to face over the past four years. When you’re used to winning, losing and the difficulties that come with it can be a major blow. And she has done that, gotten past it, and grown deeply from the experience.

“I will never tire of repeating it: whoever has a dream has a treasure. And in sports, I had one, a very big one.”

Technical data

Publishing date: | 270 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2481-3 | Imprint: Columna Edicions