Love Me When I Least Deserve It... Because That's When I Need It the Most.
Original title: Estima'm quan menys ho mereixi... perquè és quan més ho necessito
Category: Non-Fiction

Love Me When I Least Deserve It... Because That's When I Need It the Most.

Original title: Estima'm quan menys ho mereixi... perquè és quan més ho necessito
Category: Non-Fiction

This book discusses our main educational doubts. It can be read in any order and is organized in two ample sections. The first section attempts to summarize reflections and criteria to live actively and positively with adolescents. The second is a practical application of four of the primary concerns of adults: over-protection, the role of school, emotional balance and understanding society.

The aim is to help parents see that they must let their adolescent children grow up and try to understand that their apparently sharp answers are nothing more than messages that hide the need and desire to feel loved and not to have to discover life on their own.

“I was by their side, watching, listening, asking questions. I testify to their abilities, fears, everything they don’t understand. I suggest how we should be the adults they call for on the inside and reject on the outside. I’m always trying to find out what their perspectives are. As Carles Capdevila said, ‘Jaume Funes invites us to think -before and after- about the relationship we have with adolescents at home. He inspires instead of giving lessons. He combines the desire to understand them with the need to be demanding of them’”.

Highlights Love Me When I Least Deserve It... Because That's When I Need It the Most.


A guide for parents and teachers of teenagers written by one of the leading experts on the subject.

Rights sold

Russia (Svetlo Publishing), Portugal (Planeta Manuscrito), Italy (La Cicloide).

Technical data

Publishing date: | 272 pages | ISBN: 978-84-664-2379-3 | Imprint: Columna Edicions

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